Well, this is the final chapter of Zechariah where he foretells of the day of the Lord, when there is no night or day, so it must be as referred to in Revelation 21:23:
The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp.
This will be the time when Jesus returns, when there is only one Lord and everyone worships him. Only God's people will escape punishment, and Jerusalem will be the place where all nations go to worship. Jerusalem will be restored, and it will be so holy, that even the cooking pots and pans are holy!
Imagine what a promise of hope this would have been to the Jews who had returned to rebuild the city and the Temple. There were only a few of them, they were under constant threat of attack from their enemies, the city, the walls, the temple were in a dreadful state and they needed manpower, materials and perseverance. Really, nothing has changed since Zechariah wrote these words some 2,500 years ago, The Jews are a small nation, surrounded by enemies under constant threat of attack. Jerusalem is all split up, and there is no immediate prospect of rebuilding the Temple, although plans are in place.
These words are just as much a promise to the Jews of today as they were to the Jews in Zechariah's time. The Lord will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one Lord, and his name the only name.
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