Thursday 3 January 2013

Genesis chapter 40

I found it interesting that the first thing Joseph said to the two men was "Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell me your dreams." (Genesis 40:8b, NIV).  He didn't tell them that he could interpret dreams, that he was the greatest thing since sliced bread when it came to dream interpretation and that he was always right.  No, instead he told them that dream interpretation came from God, giving God the honour and the glory.

After all he has been through, when he could have ranted and railed against God or spent his days bemoaning his lot, Joseph keeps God at the centre of his life.  He knows his own limitations and that God is the one who has all the answers, to whom all the praise is due, no matter what the situation.

How often do I do that?  Turn to God no matter what is happening around me and look to him for the answer, the solution the help and guidance?  All too readily I always try and sort things out on my own, focus on what I can do, how I can solve the problem instead of asking God.  I need to rely on God more rather than my own capabilities.

Joseph has grown so much whilst in slavery - he has changed from a boy who proudly tells his brothers his dreams in which they come off worse, and gladly tells his father what his brothers have been up to, to a man to whom others turn to for help and guidance, a man who trusts in God and knows that all he has and all he can do comes from God alone.
This is such an example of faith, of trust in God despite all the circumstances being against him, and one day, maybe I will have a fraction of the faith Joseph had.

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