Thursday 17 July 2008

Zephaniah chapter 1

This is not just prophesying an end to Judah, the coming of the Babylonians, but is also a reference to the End Times, when there will be the Day of Judgement, worldwide destruction as foretold in Revelation 20: 12-15. All those who do not have their name written in the Lamb's book of life will be thrown into the lake of fire, just as the people of Israel and Judah were punished by being taken away in captivity by the Babylonians.

The thing here, though, is that it need not have happened. The Israelites were told by God when they entered the Promised Land to get rid of all the inhabitants, but they failed to do this, either because they couldn't be bothered, or because it was too dangerous and they did not trust God, or because they felt comfortable in their new homes, the towns and villages they built and did not want to move out of their "comfort zone." But just look at what happened. They saw what their neighbours did, worshipping Molech, Baal and other pagan gods, and eventually they did likewise. It wasn't something that happened overnight, it took time and was a gradual process, but it led them away from God until eventually they turned their backs on God. Although outwardly professing to believe in Him and worshipping in the Temple as always, in reality their hearts were no longer God's, they had turned their backs on him and no longer trusted him, believed in Him, and chose instead to worship lumps of metal, blocks of wood, man made items instead of God the Creator.

Isn't that just as true of us today? We are affected by those we mix with. After all, if all our friends take drugs, sleep around, swear, steal, then it won't be long before we start behaving in the same way. It might start off with the odd swear word here and there, then pretty soon, every other word is a profanity. Sleeping around becomes easy and is expected if everyone else is doing it, and as for taking drugs, you really stick out in your group of friends of you are the only one who has never tried them…. It is difficult to remain principled, to stay true to your beliefs if you mix with people who believe in totally the opposite things, or do not have any beliefs at all. And yet it can be so hard to give up your friends, to make new ones who believe the way you do.

The Israelites took the easy option, they did not get rid of all the pagan nations, and eventually, they ended up turning away from God and worshipping false idols, man made items, and giving them a power that they do not have. It can happen just as easily to us as we strive to get the promotion at work, get that new contract, have a bigger and better house/car/whatever, seek fame and fortune. But all the riches in the world, all the fame we may have, our job titles, our position in the community will not save us from the wrath of God on that day of Judgement, just as it did not save the Israelites from the Babylonian Empire, sent by God to punish them.

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